Privacy Policy


El Faith Wheels Foundation is committed to the highest levels in protecting the information that you share with us. This privacy policy describes the practices followed by El Faith Wheels Foundation for protecting and maintaining the privacy of your personal information.

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time without any notice, so please check the same periodically for any updates. Any such updates will be effective immediately upon posting.

Please note that we will never make any changes to the privacy policy to make it less protective for your personal information shared with us.

Our data privacy principles

This privacy policy describes the principles we use for protection of your personal information at El Faith Wheels Foundation. These principles shall govern the usage, collection, disclosure, disposal and transfer of personal information:

Choice: You will be given a choice over the collection, use and sharing of your personal information. In the event you choose not to share your personal information with us, we will not be able to provide you any services.

Your Rights: El Faith Wheels Foundation provides individuals with the right to control their personal information, which includes the right to access, modify, erase, restrict, transmit, or object to certain uses of their information and for withdrawal of earlier given consents to various terms and conditions.

Collection: El Faith Wheels Foundation shall collect personal information only for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy.

Use of personal information: El Faith Wheels Foundation shall use the personal information collected for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy.

Integrity and confidentiality: El Faith Wheels Foundation takes adequate measures, as per applicable privacy and data security law, to  protect the personal information from unauthorized access, data leakage and misuse.

The information we collect

The information we collect:

The personal information collected may include name, amount donated, address, tax details (such as PAN), telephone number, gender, donor comments, e-mail address, and any other information shared with us (“Donor Data”).

'Personal Information' is the information that can be associated with a specific person and could be used to identify that specific person whether from that data, or from the data and other information that we have, or is likely to have access to.

Information from payment processors and other service providers: Payment processors allow donors to donate electronically using a payment services account, a credit card, or any other payment method. These processors collect certain information from donors and you should refer to their privacy policies to determine the practice followed by them to protect your information.

We collect this information through a number of ways such as when you

(i) make a donation; (ii) Sign up to our campaign; (iii) Sign up to stay updated.

We use personal information collected from donors for the purposes of processing payments and communicating with donors about El Faith Wheels Foundation as well as conducting campaigns and other operations of El Faith Wheels Foundation.

How we use personal information we collect

How we use personal information we collect:

We may use Donor Data for the following purposes:

        required for fulfilment of any legal obligation;

        required for fulfilment of any legal obligation;

Comments that are provided by donors may be publicly published and may be used in promotional materials. We may use available information to supplement the Donor Data to improve the information we use to drive our fundraising efforts.

We use data gathered for payment processors and other service providers only for the purposes described in this policy.

Sharing / disclosure of information

Sharing / disclosure of information

Service Providers. We may share your information with outside vendors/ third party payment gateways that we use for a variety of purposes, such as to send you communications via emails, messages or tele-call to inform you about our campaigns and processing payments.

Legal Purposes. We may share your information when we believe in good faith that such sharing is reasonably necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding possible illegal activities or to comply with legal processes. We may also share your information to investigate and address threats or potential threats to the physical safety of any person, to investigate and address violations of this Privacy Policy, or to investigate and address violations of the rights of third parties and/or to protect the rights, property and safety of El Faith Wheels Foundation, our employees, users, or the public. This may involve the sharing of your information with law enforcement, government agencies, courts, and/or other organizations on account of legal request such as summons, court order or government demand to comply with the law.

If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of El Faith Wheels Foundation, our donors or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of prevention of fraud.

Consent. We may share your information in any other circumstances where we have your consent.

Choices about how we use and disclose your information:

We strive to provide you with choices regarding the personal information you provide to us. You can set your browser or mobile device to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. To learn how you can manage your Flash cookie settings, visit the Flash player settings page on Adobe's website.

Right to Access

Right to Access

You will have the right to access your personal information and any such requests made to El Faith Wheels Foundation is dealt in the following manner:

El Faith Wheels Foundation shall respond to request for access to personal information made by a donor in writing or electronically within 15 days of receipt of the request.

The donor shall have the right to correct or supplement erroneous, misleading, outdated, or incomplete personal information.

Requests for access to or rectification of personal information should be raised on

Correcting your personal information

Correcting your personal information:

We will take reasonable steps to accurately record the personal information that you provide to us and any subsequent updates.

We encourage you to review, update, and correct the personal information that we maintain about you, and you may request that we delete personal information about you that is inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant for legitimate purposes, or is being processed in a way which infringes any applicable legal requirement.

Your right to review, update, correct, and delete your personal information may be limited, subject to the law of your jurisdiction:

If your requests are abusive or unreasonably excessive.

Where the rights or safety of another person or persons would be encroached upon, or;

If the information or material you request relates to existing or anticipated legal. proceedings between you and us, or providing access to you would prejudice. negotiations between us or an investigation of possible unlawful activity.

Your right to review, update, correct, and delete your information is subject to our records retention policies and applicable law, including any statutory retention requirements.

Security: How we protect your information

Security: How we protect your information:

We have implemented appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures in accordance with applicable law to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access to your information and to maintain data security.

These safeguards take into account the sensitivity of the information that we collect, process and store and the current state of technology. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.

The third party service providers with respect to payment gateway and payment processing are all validated as compliant with the payment card industry standard (generally referred to as PCI compliant service providers).

We assume no liability or responsibility for disclosure of your information due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third-party access, or other causes beyond our control.

Data Retention

Data Retention:

We seek to retain donor-related information only as needed to fulfill the purpose described in this privacy policy unless a longer retention period is required by applicable law and/or regulations.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

El Faith Wheels Foundation reserves the right to review, update and amend this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be updated online.

Principles and Rules

Principles and Rules:

   A conflict situation could be actual or perceived and may be an event or circumstance when a person does or consciously fails to do an act which      allows the person to derive personal gains. If any of the following principles of the Conflict of Interest mentioned below are applicable to any Employee, then they must disclose such interest:

Outside Employment / Involvement:

a.  Full time employment - an Employee of El Faith Wheels Foundation cannot undertake any other employment (full time) of 

      any nature whatsoever.

b.  Part time involvement including any Financial Interest in any other company/ firm/ start up:

Including ownership in form of capital, investments or shares (excluding mutual funds, shares held upto 2% of public listed company);

As a Director/ Promoter;

Consultant/ Advisor; or

In any other capacity which can interfere with work at the Organization, especially if the position is with a Third Party.

As a freelancer for any work, for which employee is getting a financial benefit

Hobbies, if undertaken during working hours and pursued professionally for some financial benefit.

 Since it is not easy to determine whether outside involvement could conflict with work, before accepting any such offer / engaging otherwise, the Employee must provide disclosure in line with this policy.

2. Outside interests / Working with Family members or Relatives: Employees are prohibited in taking part in business  

      decisions involving a Third Party:

       That employs a Family member or Relative;

      Which is owned by the Employee / Employee’s Family member or Relative;

  In which the Employee / Employee’s Family member or Relative has Financial Interest. If the Employee is aware of the potential conflict and is involved in taking a business decision on behalf of the organization with such Third Party, then such Employee should immediately Disclose the conflict and distance themselves from the decision-making process.

 3.  Personal relationships: Employee should avoid –

Personal relationships with other Employees and / or volunteers where being in that relationship may result in one of the persons receiving or giving an unfair advantage, or preferential treatment to the other;

Participating in or making a procurement decision that could benefit themselves, or someone with whom they have a close Personal Relationship;

New candidates: Hiring, reviewing, or influencing the job evaluation or compensation of a candidate with whom they have a Personal Relationship;

Existing employees: Direct reporting, reviewing work or having influence in the performance evaluation of an Employee with whom they have a Personal Relationship.

4.  Obtaining an interest in real estate, securities or other property that El Faith Wheels Foundation might consider buying or leasing.

 5.  Any other situation: In case a situation arises (not falling in the above) wherein the Employee feels that it may lead to conflict 

          of interest, then the Employee should reach out to HR for clarification and Disclose it appropriately as per this policy. An 

        illustrative list of persons with whom conflict of interest may arise is as under:

Persons or entities from whom El Faith Wheels Foundation leases property or equipment.

Persons or entities with whom El Faith Wheels Foundation is dealing or planning to deal in connection with the gift, purchase or sale of securities, real estate, or other property.

Other not-for-profit organizations, whether in the capacity of actual or potential donor or actual or potential recipient of a donation or grant; ministry partner or co-laborer, or other capacity.

Donors and others supporting the organization.

Media carrying El Faith Wheels Foundation advertising or content.

Governmental and non-governmental agencies, organizations and associations that affect or can affect the operations of El Faith Wheels Foundation.

Persons who are in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs and actions of El Faith Wheels Foundation, or who have been in such a position at any time in the past five years.

Conflicts or potential conflicts may be direct or indirect. Indirect conflicts may arise if any of the following have an interest:

A family member of a director, manager or employee. (Family member is defined broadly, and includes all persons related by whole or half-blood or by marriage, including but not limited to siblings, siblings’ spouses, ancestors, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and all their spouses)

An estate or trust of which the director, manager or influential agent, or member of such person’s family is a beneficiary, personal representative, or trustee.

A company of which a member of the family or the director, manager or influential agent is an officer, director, or employee, or in which such person has ownership or other proprietary interest.